
A glimpse of October...

Homework Time

Teacher Grace and the nursery class and my baby class
Eating ugali... it's a staple food in Kenya
A group of kids from another children's home 2 hours north
Saying goodnight
"This is the way we wash our clothes..."
Having a picnic in the park with other short-termers from around the world
Men praying in the park.... wouldn't see this in Canada - would we?
Celebrating Harriet's confirmation in the Anglican Church
Making Chapatti... every Saturday!
Nairobi International Trade Show
Preparing for Thanksgiving Dinner in the big house beside my cottage :) (it has an oven)
Using book covers to make masks
After a fun evening of dancing and fun!


Mrs. Zacharias said...

Sarah, it was great to look at those photos. Seeing you living out your daily life with those kids makes me want to head back to that wonderful continent of Africa once again.

Merry Christmas!

Stéphanie said...

these are great Sarah!
How did you fit all the pics in one post? I can only put 5? how did you do that?!!